
First seen 1 year, 1 month ago in commit 1cd3a pushed by Anže Pečar

Last 100 Runs
Pass % 100.0%
p50 duration 0.6297s
p95 duration 0.7146s

81 runs 81 passed in the last 30 days

Run 5 months, 1 week ago
Status PASS

Merge f0fdbac1e059e2d1539baf074321341c015c972f into c213d01438830742427d8846f38b88dce99221b7

Commit d30f8 pushed by pre-commit-ci[bot]
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 1 week ago
Status PASS

Move order by to in confs to match accounts

Commit c213d pushed by Anže Pečar
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Better error reporting when instance is wrong

Commit bc84b pushed by Anže Pečar
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge pull request #60 from anze3db/pre-commit-ci-update-config

Commit d052a pushed by Anže Pečar
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Remove post tests

Commit f510c pushed by Anže Pečar
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Deprecate post urls

Commit f1dc2 pushed by Anže Pečar
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge pull request #59 from anze3db/17-show-daily-stats

Commit 6fd63 pushed by Anže Pečar
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge 372ccc6572cdb72c2065848845be8c021c35c04c into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit b988e pushed by Gašper Martič
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge ab8685b4ed3f61eb3829b36e3b7f88e269b87f50 into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit 0b950 pushed by Gašper Martič
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge 35f7990d53f32e4b0e9af9b75dd1cfae64fb3632 into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit 617d9 pushed by Gašper Martič
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge 6b9ac0627d46e3ba5ebfa0f1daf2388d6a6b52e8 into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit cbb2d pushed by Gašper Martič
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge f4e37fc6059e7c9302ba0237299b639e4a7ebc16 into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit a402d pushed by Gašper Martič
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge 1bb3ac72fd0e605bd1227003c18a5529ffed2def into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit 8875f pushed by Gašper Martič
CREATE TABLE "django_migrations" ("id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "app" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "applied" datetime NOT NULL); (params None)
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DROP TABLE "accounts_account"; (params ())
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DROP TABLE "accounts_account"; (params ())
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DROP TABLE "accounts_accountlookupany"; (params ())
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DROP TABLE "accounts_account"; (params ())
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DROP TABLE "accounts_account"; (params ())
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DROP TABLE "accounts_account"; (params ())
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DROP TABLE "stats_dailyaccountchange"; (params ())
DROP TABLE "stats_monthlyaccountchange"; (params ())
DROP TABLE "stats_weeklyaccountchange"; (params ())
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge 2987fbf9365fcf9f6ba4442228381cf5ffea302d into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit 07e3f pushed by pre-commit-ci[bot]
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge da49ade03b2c51a798246a81c5b020664a49f6fe into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit 5f469 pushed by Gašper Martič
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DROP TABLE "stats_daily"; (params ())
ALTER TABLE "new__stats_daily" RENAME TO "stats_daily"; (params ())
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DROP TABLE "stats_monthlyaccountchange"; (params ())
ALTER TABLE "new__stats_monthlyaccountchange" RENAME TO "stats_monthlyaccountchange"; (params ())
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INSERT INTO "new__stats_weeklyaccountchange" ("id", "statuses_count", "followers_count", "following_count") SELECT "id", "statuses_count", "followers_count", "following_count" FROM "stats_weeklyaccountchange"; (params ())
DROP TABLE "stats_weeklyaccountchange"; (params ())
ALTER TABLE "new__stats_weeklyaccountchange" RENAME TO "stats_weeklyaccountchange"; (params ())
DROP TABLE "stats_dailyaccountchange"; (params ())
DROP TABLE "stats_monthlyaccountchange"; (params ())
DROP TABLE "stats_weeklyaccountchange"; (params ())
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge 11257c29973f7466e9f4eb1c74d4742c70b5b416 into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit e1328 pushed by Gašper Martič
Done 🎉
Run 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge fb741d9b7bdd28db04bc9598acb9f44238eb1c6a into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit 4c3b7 pushed by Gašper Martič
Run 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge d043d34427eaa62c36f2f8fb65601032210bd554 into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit 02389 pushed by Gašper Martič
Run 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge a53eb11db21adb70d731abcada99a51e9228ba5c into f4fad16e3ec1d040c909862b5c4f50257786950d

Commit 4bf84 pushed by Gašper Martič
Run 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Status PASS

[] pre-commit autoupdate (#58)

Commit f4fad pushed by pre-commit-ci[bot]
Run 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge a1f947199121083463fb7c42c40d7b31ddc87d56 into 662733d6baabdac9ab3adfc9eea39d8b50f4aab5

Commit 0613c pushed by pre-commit-ci[bot]
Run 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Status PASS

Adjust batch size based on action

Commit 66273 pushed by Anže Pečar
Run 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Status PASS

Accountstats weeks months (#57)

Commit fe878 pushed by Gašper Martič
Run 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge 5c9334203ace7e575380e0c2060d5c03190d3fa5 into 249c3e685ef02dd24ea640d03a03850c49512785

Commit c91ad pushed by Gašper Martič
Run 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Status PASS

Merge fd5f42816bdb9be078fbc29bb536a1e1b11b5421 into 249c3e685ef02dd24ea640d03a03850c49512785

Commit f3403 pushed by Gašper Martič